Jonas E. Salk Middle School
3359 Old Jerusalem Rd.
Levittown NY 11756
(516) 434-7350
New York State School of Character Recipient2025 Essential Elements School To Watch RecipientFollow Jonas E. Salk Middle School on Instagram!
New York State School of Character Recipient2025 Essential Elements School To Watch RecipientFollow Jonas E. Salk Middle School on Instagram!

The Salk R.I.S.E. Program

(Respect and Responsibility, Integrity, Safety, Staying Healthy and Empathy)

The mission of our character education program is to shape the lives of our students by creating opportunities for academic excellence, civic education and the development of moral character.

Our RISE program is committed to promoting each students' social-emotional development by instilling the value of respect, integrity, safety and empathy.

R.I.S.E. stands for Respect and Responsibility, Integrity, Safety & Staying Healthy and Empathy.

Under R.I.S.E., staff and students will:

  • R - show respect for self, others and the property of others at all times, and be accountable for their behavior and academic responsibilities.
  • I - demonstrate integrity in all matters of social and academic life.
  • S - cooperate to maintain a safe, friendly, supportive environment, while staying healthy.
  • E - be empathetic towards the feelings of others and demonstrate compassion for those in need.