Levittown Public Schools Driver Education Program

Driver Education Sign

Informational Meeting For Spring 2025

  • Thursday, January 2nd - at Division Avenue High School - 2:30PM Cafeteria West
  • Friday, January 3rd - at MacArthur High School - 2:30PM Cafeteria A


The application form and payment instructions will be given at the meeting and all questions will be answered at this time.

Tentative schedule choices will be discussed at the meeting.

Parents are welcome to attend the meeting.

Non-accepted students who applied for the Fall '24 must reapply for Spring '25.

Parochial school students living in the Levittown School District please email contact below to request an application if you cannot attend the meeting.

The Spring Driver Education program is scheduled to begin on:
Saturday, February 1st, 2025 and end on Friday, June 20th 2025.

Please plan to have your child obtain a NY State Learner's Permit at this time if you have not already done so. A copy of your child's Learner's Permit will be required when payment is due.

Tuition for Spring Driver Education 2025 is $545.00
(payment instructions will be given at the meeting)

Attendance is strictly enforced, students are permitted 3 made-up absences, however upon the fourth absence the student will be dropped from the program, by NYSED and DMV mandate. Therefore, it is imperative that you plan work and/or sports schedules accordingly.

Driver Education is a self-sustaining program offered by the Levittown School District to resident students who are 16 years of age prior to the start of the program. Admission to the program will be made as follows: Seniors are selected first in chronological order by birth date; remaining students are selected in age order regardless of grade.

Please be advised that space is extremely limited due to a staff shortage.
Levittown Public Schools is actively recruiting instructors.
We are currently accepting applications from certified teachers who hold a valid MV283 Driver Education Instructor License.
Please contact hr@levittownschools.com

Information for the Summer 2025 program will be posted on this site in April 2025.

Questions or concerns please email Perry Vitucci