Lee Road Elementary School
901 Lee Road
Wantagh NY 11793
(516) 434-7475
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Lee Road Special Area / Special Programs

In addition to the above classes, Lee Road promotes a well-rounded education to all students by providing the following programs to students.

The faculty at Lee Road is committed to the development of our students and our school. Faculty members attend professional development conferences, workshops, and courses to enhance their expertise. Lee Road faculty members participate in many district level committees, projects, and PTA functions. Lee Road teachers work to ensure that Lee Road students get the best education possible.

Art Program - The Art Room at Lee Road is an exciting place for the children to enter. They are presented with a variety of media with which to work, and they are encouraged to experiment, thus expanding the creative process and developing higher level thinking. In addition, through numerous interdisciplinary projects artwork is linked to other areas such as science, math, music, social studies, and language arts. We also become involved in many school, district, and community projects. The New York State Standards for the Arts is followed, while at the same time there is an emphasis on effort, cooperation, and individuality.

General Music/Chorus - The vocal program at the Lee Road School is divided between chorus and general music, adhering to the nine national and four state standards in the Arts. Goals, levels of achievement, assessment standards, reviewed by music teachers across the country, resulted in the formation of clear objectives. These standards include singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music, performing on instruments, reading musical notation, development of listening skills, participating in performances, etc. The general music classroom at Lee Road aims to meet these standards through creative projects and activities in the classroom. Other goals for the vocal and general music program include integration across academic subjects to enhance learning in other areas, and exploring multiculturalism through music.

Active hands-on participation is the prime focus in General music, consisting of a wide diversification of topics and activities, geared to each grade level. Using the ideology of great music educators past, the students will employ techniques formed by Kodaly, Orff and Gordon to improve their skills of reading music, singing and playing instruments.

The skills cultivated in the general music classroom carry over into the choral and instrumental programs. Through the preparation for concerts, the students put into practical use their growing ability to read notation, as well as sing and play with others.

Instrumental Music - Here at Lee Road our instrumental music program begins in the third grade for both band and orchestra instruments. Participants receive a group lesson on a weekly basis during the school day at a regularly scheduled time. Upon reaching a specific level of musical attainment they are invited to participate in one of our performance ensembles.

Research shows that musical training may help our students in other subjects as well. It helps them develop healthy habits that greatly influence their approach to other studies. Through musical instruction they learn to discipline their minds, concentrate, and be more alert. A child learns to coordinate the brain, eyes, ears, lips, breath, tongue and fingers while playing a wind instrument. In addition, they make countless decisions about loudness, softness, rhythm and tempo. They are compelled to concentrate on an action before a muscular action takes place.

Almost without exception, the average grades of children involved in music programs are above those of other students in the same age group. Music students score an average 48 points higher on their verbal SAT's and 56 points higher on math SAT scores. This fact is well known among educators. We've seen it on a regular basis here in Levittown. Just take a look at how many students in our two high school bands and orchestras are amongst the highest academic achievers here district-wide. It is likely that no other school endeavor will help your child more in his or her overall development than music instruction. It gives students a background in culture, history and refinement that will provide advantages throughout their lives.

A child needs parental guidance and supervision in anything he/she does. There are many successful home strategies, such as creating a desirable atmosphere for practicing, that are quite effective. Give your child some attention when practicing and lend encouragement. Have he or she "give you a concert." Every musician loves an appreciative audience, particularly mom and dad or other family members. With the right amount of encouragement, guidance, appreciation and understanding, your child will be on the right path to success in music here at Lee Road School.

Integrated Co-Teaching - Our integrated co-teaching classes are taught by a general education and a special education teacher. These teachers share instructional responsibility; they share mutual ownership, pool resources, and have joint accountability in supporting the entire class so that all the children will have success.

In this co-taught classroom more detailed observation of students engaged in the learning process can occur so ALL students receive improved instruction. This includes students who are academically gifted or talented, students who have average ability, students who are at risk of failing, as well as students with identified special needs.

Physical Education - Physical Education is an integral part of the total educational program at Lee Road, where we achieve the New York State learning standards through fun, individual as well as team activities. Our K-2 students play low-organized games and solve movement problems that emphasize locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills. Children in grades 3-5, learn motor skills and play games that lead up to many team sports. All grades enjoy gymnastics, fitness activities, dance & rhythms, and adventure education. Concepts such as nutrition, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal structure, and safety are taught throughout the year.

Our school has many special physical education programs. They include Adapted Physical Education classes for those in need of extra individual assistance, a Physical Education Club for 5th grade equipment manager, and school-wide events like Jump Rope for Heart, a Student/Faculty Volleyball Game, and Field Day. This comprehensive program helps us to accomplish our ultimate goal-that our children enthusiastically choose active, healthy lifestyles for years to come.

Resource Room - The Special Education Department's Resource Room at Lee Road provides students with a wide variety of educational opportunities. In our Resource Room, we use manipulatives, games, and other fun activities to teach the students concepts in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. These students focus on the goals and objectives of their Individual Education Plans. Lessons are taught in the multi-sensory style that best meet the needs of each child.

Speech - Speech services are provided for students with language deficits. We work on receptive and expressive language skills, auditory skills, and articulation deficits. Students generally are pulled from class for thirty minute sessions. Groups are no bigger than five. We also have a speech improvement class. These are for students with solely articulation deficits that impede on the child's learning. These sessions run for ten weeks with intense therapy. The child is seen in school and is sent home with reinforcement to continue the progress.