Summit Lane Elementary School
4 Summit Lane
Levittown NY 11756
(516) 434-7525
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Summit Lane PTA Committee Descriptions

Blood Drive: Committee is responsible for encouraging participation in our school's annual blood drive.

Book Fair: Committee is responsible for managing book fairs including coordinating dates, deliveries, reorders, and accounting with the vendor. Volunteers are needed to set up materials, help students select books, staff the cash registers, and break down fair.

Council Budget Committee: Committee members bring the needs of Summit Lane to the table at budget meetings with members of the Board of Education.

Cultural Arts: Committee is responsible for working with staff in selecting various educational performers and assemblies throughout the school year, submitting paperwork for BOCES reimbursements, and coordinating custodial assistance.

Elementary Curriculum: Committee meets monthly at Memorial during the school day to discuss current educational topics at the elementary level. Summit Lane representative is responsible for attending scheduled meetings and reporting relevant information at PTA meetings.

Field Day: (June) Committee is responsible for purchasing and serving refreshments to students and assisting staff as needed.

Fifth Grade Activities: Committee is responsible for all Fifth Grade Events, including fundraising, T-shirts, car wash, yearbook, video, party, and picnic. Several lead chairpersons are needed to oversee the numerous sub-committees that encompass this year-long committee.

Fire Safety Contest: (Sept) Committee is responsible for collecting and judging student entries, making sure they adhere to the contest rules, submitting winning entries to fire department, and presenting awards to the school finalists.

Food Drive: (Nov) Committee is responsible for collecting food, setting up food baskets, and coordinating with the school social worker to distribute them to families in need from our school.

Food Service: Summit Lane representative is responsible for bringing concerns in regard to the food that is offered in our cafeteria to monthly meetings and reporting back to our unit. Committee meets at Memorial during the school day.

Health and Safety: Committee meets monthly at Memorial during the school day. Summit Lane representative is responsible for attending scheduled meetings and reporting back to our unit.

Holiday Boutique: (Dec) Committee is responsible for running a three-day holiday shopping event held at our school. Volunteers are needed to set up, clean up, and help the children stay within their budget when they select items to purchase.

Honorary Life: (Fall) Honorary Life is an award given by New York State PTA to a community member who goes above and beyond for our children. The committee is responsible for requesting letters of nominations from PTA members and choosing the winner.

Hospitality: Committee is responsible for setting up/clean up of refreshments for PTA meetings and other PTA sponsored events throughout the year.

Kindergarten Orientation: (Spring) Committee is responsible for introducing the incoming Kindergartners to Summit Lane prior to them starting their school year. Volunteers are needed to host a series of workshops for incoming students, helping to introduce them to a sample of activities that they will be doing in Kindergarten. Also, the committee is responsible for ordering the Kindergarten T-shirts.

LEADD: (Fall) Levittown Educators Against Destructive Decisions. Committee is responsible for running the booth at the LEADD fair and working with staff members and other committee members to coordinate programs for the children that promote healthy decision-making during this week-long event.

Legislation & Advocacy: Summit Lane representative is responsible for attending all workshops and conventions pertaining to school legislation. Representative keeps the Executive Committee informed of legislative issues and assists in securing adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

Levittown Schools Community Scholarships: Summit Lane representative (who does NOT have a senior in high school) attends meetings and reports back on what was discussed. Helps committee with fundraising and judging student essays for senior scholarships.

Music Hospitality: Committee is responsible for coordinating with the band teacher to purchase water and snacks for town parades like the Memorial Day Parade. Committee is also responsible for washing the parade T-shirts.

Nominating: Committee collects nominations from school parents for next year's PTA executive board. Volunteers contact nominees to check their interested in running for nominated positions. Nominees must be voted on at a PTA meeting (no later than April).

Nutrition Day: Committee is responsible for the purchase of healthy snacks. Volunteers are needed to help prepare the snacks, set up the school day event, and serve them to the students. (Held during LEADD week in the Fall)

Parent/Teacher Volleyball and Softball: Committee is responsible for organizing and promoting sporting events between the PTA parents and Summit Lane staff, as well as selling snacks and drinks during the events. These events are school fundraisers and take place on weeknights.

PARP: Parents As Reading Partners is a literacy program that encourages adults to read with their children. Committee is responsible for establishing ideas for various events/activities to coordinate with an annual theme. Volunteers are needed to decorate the school, coordinate community readers and guest authors, secure student incentives, and manage a one-evening event at Barnes & Noble.

Picture Day: (Fall and Spring) Committee coordinates dates with vendor, distributes take home order forms, manages the scheduling for the classes, ensures that the children get their photos taken, collects order forms, schedules picture retakes, and distributes photo orders.

Reflections Contest: (Fall) Committee is responsible for supporting the yearly theme of the New York State PTA. Volunteers promote the contest, collect entries, ensure entries adhere to rules, select school finalists, and submit winning entries to Nassau Region PTA. They also present awards to school finalists.

School Kits: (Spring): Committee is responsible for taking orders for school supply kits and ordering them. The teachers let the committee know what supplies will be needed for each grade. Committee also distributes the orders when they come in, usually on Field Day and at the last PTA meeting.

Secondary Curriculum: Committee meets monthly at Memorial during the school day to discuss current educational topics at the secondary level. Summit Lane representative is responsible for attending scheduled meetings and reporting back relevant information.

Spiritwear: (Fall) Committee is responsible for setting up a display case of Summit Lane apparel, distributing take home notices, collecting orders, sorting completed orders, and distributing them to classes.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon: (May) Committee is responsible for coordinating the luncheon to honor the Summit Lane staff. Volunteers are needed to manage donations of food, desserts, drinks, raffle prizes, as well as to set up, clean up, and serve food.

Summit Lane Alumni Award: Committee is responsible for collecting submissions from high school seniors and selecting award recipient(s).

Super Readers: Committee is responsible for managing book inventory including ordering a selection of books for Summit Lane students. Volunteers coordinate dates and times with teachers, set up, help students select a FREE book of their choice and break down. (three times per year)

Transportation: Summit Lane representative is responsible for attending the scheduled meetings at Hunt Road and reporting back on what was discussed. Meetings are held quarterly during the school day.