General Douglas MacArthur High School
3369 Old Jerusalem Rd.
Levittown NY 11756
(516) 434-7225
U.S. News and World Report Best High School Award RecipientAP Honor Roll Silver Badge RecipientFollow General Douglas MacArthur High School on Instagram!
U.S. News and World Report Best High School Award RecipientAP Honor Roll Silver Badge RecipientFollow General Douglas MacArthur High School on Instagram!

MacArthur Business Department: Business and Marketing Honor Society of New York State

The primary purpose of the Business and Marketing Honor Society of New York State is to recognize those students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a secondary business/marketing program.


  • Students must be currently enrolled in business/marketing (fall and/or spring)
  • Seniors: Must complete 3 units in business/marketing by the end of the current school year
  • Sophomores/Juniors: Must complete 2 units in business/marketing by the end of the current school year (student should be planning to continue for at least one additional credit prior to graduation)

Minimum Criteria

  • GPA Business/Marketing Courses | 88% or B+ (3.5)
  • GPA Overall | 80% or B (3.0)

Additional Criteria

Students selected for recognition will have also demonstrated both in the classroom and through extracurricular involvement:

  • Character (evidenced by teachers attesting to this quality)
  • Leadership (evidenced by committee chair positions, officer/chair or other lead positions in student organizations, civic/community leadership roles, etc.)
  • Service (evidenced by volunteer activities in the school and/or community, etc.)

Application and Recognition Process

  • Students complete an application (39 KB) and submit it to their local school business/marketing department. The process may be initiated by the students or the department may solicit applications from worthy students.
  • Local school department verifies eligibility and selects students.

Activities and Events

  • Blood Drive on November 17, 2011
  • Bake Sale to raise money for Island Harvest
  • Coat Drive
  • Community Service Fair
  • Toy Drive
  • Cancer Awareness Fundraiser