Best Math Resources For Second - Third Grade
This list was the product of an Independent Study Group through the Levittown Teacher's Center. The sites were chosen and organized by a group of Gardiners Avenue Teachers and Teaching Assistants.
- Baseball game, all operations levels easy to super brain!
- Tic Tac Toe using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Rounding Numbers
Play decimal and whole number jeopardy
Students can play against each other. Review place value and comparing and rounding numbers.
Fractions / Measurement
Time Concepts
- Telling time - match clock hands to given time
- Move the clock hands by dragging them to the numbers that show the correct time
Money Concepts
- Practice giving change
- Start the spending spree, pick the item that you would like to buy and then choose the correct amount of coins you need to pay for that item.
- Change Maker, putting change in the piggy bank
- Write the check amount spelling numbers correctly