
Lee Road Kindergartners 'Spell Out' Foundational Skills

October 01, 2024

Lee Road Elementary School kindergartners Dylan Petty, Benjamin Clyde, Samira Singh and Kayra Chacko learned to write and count the letters in their names.Lee Road Elementary School kindergartners Dylan Petty, Benjamin Clyde, Samira Singh and Kayra Chacko learned to write and count the letters in their names. Kindergartners at Lee Road Elementary School in the Levittown School District are forming foundational skills in reading and writing through creative activities inspired by the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom."

Lee Road kindergartners enjoy the book every year as they begin school by practicing reading and writing skills. The engaging story of "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault introduces them to upper and lowercase letters in a fun way. On personal whiteboards, kindergartners practice writing their own names. The activity fosters social interactions as students learn their classmates' names, building a sense of community right at the start of the school year.

Kindergartner Mason Yurkiw practiced writing anKindergartner Mason Yurkiw practiced writing an Brayden Melendez was highly engaged as he learned to write different letters.Brayden Melendez was highly engaged as he learned to write different letters.Kindergartners' names, including Brayden Melendez, Matthew Francois, Penelope Folan and Angelina Miller, are displayed on a wall outside Ms. Cascio and Mrs. Corso's classrooms.Kindergartners' names, including Brayden Melendez, Matthew Francois, Penelope Folan and Angelina Miller, are displayed on a wall outside Ms. Cascio and Mrs. Corso's classrooms.