
MacArthur Research Students Spent the Summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory

September 10, 2024

MacArthur Research Students Spent the Summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory - image001 This past summer, MacArthur Science Research students, Catherine Purirojejananon (11th grade) and Logan Rodriguez (10th grade) participated in programs for high school students at Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).

Catherine participated in the select Rising STEM Scholars Program at BNL. There, Catherine gained hands-on experience through computational research projects, received an in-depth introduction to facilities like the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and had the opportunity to interact with Brookhaven staff, HSRP students, and SULI interns through lectures and discussions. Catherine would like to thank Dr. Friedman and Mr. Zausin for their immense support in getting her into the program and for their ongoing mentorship and guidance.

Logan Rodriguez, attended the highly selective Brookhaven National Lab STEM Prep Summer Institute. Only 23 students were selected to attend the program from across Long Island, the 5 boroughs, and New Jersey. During this time Logan performed experiments in physics, biochemistry, and environmental sciences, toured a particle accelerator, and worked with Brookhaven researchers in the lab. The program ended with a poster gallery where Logan presented a poster on catalysis and chemistry. Logan would like to thank Dr. Friedman, Mr. Donovan, Mr. Zausin, and Mrs. Ruczaj for helping him get into the program, and he hopes more MacArthur students continue to participate in the program in the future.