
Field Day Frenzy: Fun, Games, and Team Spirit at Gardiners Avenue

June 12, 2024

Field Day Frenzy: Fun, Games, and Team Spirit at Gardiners Avenue - image001The students of Gardiners Avenue were bursting with excitement as they prepared for Field Day. The kindergarten through fifth-grade students eagerly learned and practiced a variety of games, such as lacrosse shots and golf, as well as engaging in fun activities like the egg and spoon relay and a treasure hunt. They also got ready for different stations, including relay races, to ensure they were well-prepared for the big day. On Field Day, the students showcased their skills, collaborated effectively, and enthusiastically participated in the diverse array of games, activities, and stations, making it a memorable and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

Field Day Frenzy: Fun, Games, and Team Spirit at Gardiners Avenue - image002Field Day Frenzy: Fun, Games, and Team Spirit at Gardiners Avenue - image003Field Day Frenzy: Fun, Games, and Team Spirit at Gardiners Avenue - image004