Curriculum and Instruction

As we all know, learning takes the form of many shapes and occurs all around us. Whether it is in the classroom, on the athletic field, on the stage, or in the shop, learning continuously takes place. The Levittown School District prides itself on collecting feedback from all stakeholders- students, parents, teachers, administrators, staff members and community members to try and create the most holistic approach to education. Our goal is to ensure that students are provided with a strong educational foundation so that they have as many opportunities as possible in their future, whether it be in college, careers or the military. In an effort to truly support "Success for Every Student", the Department of Instruction supervises the following areas:

We are justifiably proud of the many accomplishments of our students and staff and we welcome your involvement and feedback as we continue to grow and flourish into the 21st century.

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funding

- Information regarding the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and proposed usage for the funding.

Consolidated Application For ESSA-Funded Programs

- The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has developed the online 2023-24 Consolidated Application for ESSA-Funded Programs to support the timely administration of programs funded by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to local educational agencies (LEAs) across the state. These funds allocated through Title IA, Title ID , Title IIA, Title IIIA ELL, Title III Immigrant, and Title IV. Prior to submission, the application is published for public comment.